Find AA meetings in Seneca, Pennsylvania to help you on your road to recovery. Our comprehensive directory of AA meetings in Pennsylvania includes open, closed, speaker, and other specialized meetings, all of which are designed to help you get sober and remain sober.
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Time | Name | Location / Group | Address / Platform | Region | |
11:00 AM | TUE AM GRAPEVINE | Grace Presbyterian Church | 155 N Jefferson St | Kittanning | Discussion English Open Meeting + Wheelchair Access |
12:00 PM | The Tuesday Nooners | First United Methodist Church | 600 Wood St | Clarion | Discussion English |
12:00 PM | Butler Concerned Group | Grace Calvary Church | 123 E Diamond St | Butler | Discussion English |
12:00 PM | Woodstock Group | Unitatian Church | 346 Chestnut St | Meadville | Discussion English Wheelchair Access |
6:00 PM | Butler Concerned Group | Grace Calvary Church | 123 E Diamond St | Butler | Discussion English |
6:30 PM | DESIGN FOR LIVING | St Paul`s Luth Church | 1051 Twin Church Rd | Knox | Discussion English Open Meeting |
7:00 PM | Brady Street Big Book Group | Butler Memorial Hospital | 911 E Brady St hall, 3 s | Butler | Big Book English Wheelchair Access |
7:00 PM | Language Of The Heart Group | Holy Trinity Lutheran Church | 1 Trinity Pl | Greenville | Discussion English |
7:00 PM | Tue Night Big Book Thumpers Group | First Baptist Church | 1041 Liberty St | Franklin | Discussion English |
7:00 PM | New Wilmington Twelve Step Grp | New Wilmington Presbyterian Church | 229 S Market St | New Wilmington | Discussion English |
7:00 PM | Butler South Side Group | St. Marks Evangical Lutheran Church | 201 W Jefferson St | Butler | Discussion English |
7:30 PM | Easier Softer Way Group | Alliance Church - Basement | 660 N Main St | Meadville | Discussion English |
7:30 PM | Don't Drink Over it Group | Immaculate Heart Church | 100 Penn Ave | Mercer | Big Book English |
7:30 PM | Butler North Main Street Group | Faith United Presbytarian Church | 1329 N Main St Ext | Butler | Discussion English |
7:30 PM | North Richmond Group | United Methodist Church | White Hill Rd & N Richmond Rd | Richmond Township | Discussion English |
7:30 PM | Slippery Rock Tuesday Lead And Feed Group | Center Presbyterian Church | 211 Center St | Slippery Rock | English Speaker |
7:30 PM | Tuesday Daily Reflections Group | St. James Church | 112 E Main St | Titusville | Discussion English |
8:00 PM | Living Sober Group Chicora | Living Sober Group Chicora | 409 North Main Street | Chicora | Discussion |
8:00 PM | Keep It Simple Stupid Group | Christ Episcopal Church | 16 Central Ave | Oil City | Discussion English Temporary Closure |
8:00 PM | Keep It Simple Group Kittanning | Keep It Simple Group Kittanning | 200 Oak Avenue | Kittanning | Discussion Wheelchair Access |
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- Please note that AA meeting locations and times tend to change often and quickly, so always check before assuming these times are accurate.
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Seneca, Pennsylvania AA Meetings
Seneca is a census-designated place situated in Venango County, in the state of Pennsylvania. Like many other places across the state, AA meetings in Seneca are available to any individuals struggling with alcohol addiction. These meetings offer a great opportunity in providing recovery support to individuals who decided to quit alcohol abuse. Alcohol Use Disorder is the most common medical condition when it comes to alcohol. It is a brain disorder that keeps affecting people badly by limiting them from making rational decisions. When drinking alcohol becomes a routine, a lot of negative consequences could arise. From health issues, anxiety, depression, ruining careers, and personal relationships with close ones, those are just some of the inevitable issues that can ruin your life. It is crucial that you keep your life together, live a quality and healthy life, and avoid these issues at all costs. That is why Alcoholics Anonymous Pennsylvania recovery program strives for making AA meetings available to anyone who seeks help. With a friendly environment and a non-judgmental atmosphere, you will feel at home during these group meetings. If you would like to find out more about AA meetings in general, don’t hesitate to give us a call and get the best assistance possible.