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Time | Name | Location / Group | Address / Platform | Region | |
12:00 PM | Fellowship Group | Fellowship group -01 | 2909 N Prince St d | Clovis | Discussion English Open Meeting |
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Friona, Texas AA Meetings
Did you know that the name Friona was from the Spanish word,frio which means cold? Now, you do. This gives you an idea of the weather in this Parmer County city in Texas. Friona is also famous for its cheeseburgers, and there is an annual festival dedicated to celebrating cheeseburgers. Alcohol addictions amongst locals call for serious attention, as many are gradually losing grip of their lives and slipping downhill. AA Texas is actively involved in seeing that people with alcohol and substance use disorder get the care and treatment they need to overcome the addictions. AA meetings in Friona are committed to ensuring that participants get encouragement and assistance in a serene atmosphere so that they can become sober and improve their lives. Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) is a global community that channels time, energy, and resources, at no cost to participants, to curb alcohol addiction and ensure alcohol recovery for those facing this. Recovery programs are well-detailed to cater to participants every step of the way, beginning with alcohol detox at an inpatient center. Medication and therapy are also given to them, taking note of each participant’s needs and situation. Counseling and follow-up programs ensure that these addictions die off to the very root.