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Find AA Meetings in Vega, Texas

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Find AA meetings in Vega, Texas to help you on your road to recovery. Our comprehensive directory of AA meetings in Texas includes open, closed, speaker, and other specialized meetings, all of which are designed to help you get sober and remain sober.

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Time Name Location / Group Address / Platform Region
12:00 PM Top of Texas Top of Texas 1301 S Taylor St Amarillo Closed Meeting   English
12:00 PM Clean Air Clean Air Online 2906 Duniven Cir Amarillo Closed Meeting   English
12:00 PM Moss Lane Online meetings Online 3512 Moss Ln Amarillo English   Open Meeting
12:00 PM Online Clean Air Amarillo Online Clean Air Amarillo Online Amarillo, TX, 79101 Amarillo Closed Meeting
12:00 PM El Buen Camino Suite C 3511 NE 12th Ave Amarillo English   Open Meeting
12:00 PM Touch of Soul Touch of Soul 107 N Hughes St Amarillo English   Open Meeting   Smoking Permitted
12:30 PM Hobbs Plaza Suite B 4000 SW 58th Ave Amarillo Closed Meeting   English   Smoking Permitted +   Women's Meeting
3:00 PM Moss Lane Online meetings 3512 Moss Ln Amarillo Closed Meeting   English   Smoking Permitted

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Vega, Texas AA Meetings

Vega is a city and county seat of Oldham County, in the U.S. state of Texas. Due to many active cases of alcohol addiction in the city, the Alcohol Anonymous community has created AA meetings in Vega that have been designed to help all individuals with drinking problems. It is very soothing to know that people living in Vega can find AA meetings close by in our AA directory at Moreover, even other AA Texas meetings, not only the ones in Vega, are listed in our directory and sorted by the city. In recent times, alcohol addiction has become a huge issue for millions of Americans who have been diagnosed with alcohol use disorder. This is characterized by individuals becoming so addicted to alcohol that, while it has extremely negative effects on them, they still find it very hard to reduce their alcohol intake. On top of that, alcohol addiction has been the cause of many underlined health problems and deaths in the United States. However, in order to successfully beat alcohol addiction and start living sober, some effective methods can be used. Certainly, one of the most effective methods would be joining AA meetings that provide a safe and warm atmosphere where all members can feel at home.

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