Find AA meetings in Pampa, Texas to help you on your road to recovery. Our comprehensive directory of AA meetings in Texas includes open, closed, speaker, and other specialized meetings, all of which are designed to help you get sober and remain sober.
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Time | Name | Location / Group | Address / Platform | Region | |
12:00 PM | Open Door (Pampa) | Open Door (Pampa) | 514 W Kingsmill Ave | Pampa | English Open Meeting |
8:00 PM | Primary Purpose (Pampa) | next to Coney Island Cafe | 112 W Foster Ave | Pampa | English Open Meeting Smoking Permitted |
12:00 PM | High Nooners | Church of Christ | 1100 Bulldog Blvd | Borger | English Open Meeting Step Meeting |
8:00 PM | Route 66 (McLean) | Route 66 (McLean) | 203 Gray St | McLean | Candlelight English Open Meeting |
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Pampa, Texas AA Meetings
Do you think you are affected by alcohol use disorder? AA meetings in Pampa are here to assist you through your tough times. Why is Anonymity important to us? First, we know from experience that many problem drinkers might hesitate to turn to AA for help if they thought their problem might be discussed publicly, even inadvertently, by others. Newcomers should be able to seek help with complete assurance that their identities will not be revealed to anyone outside the Group. Much of our relative success in working with alcoholics might be impaired if we sought or accepted public recognition. AUD is a brain disorder that involves a person drinking excessively to a point where both their body and mind are dependent on it to function. AA Texas includes a group of people that are struggling with alcohol use disorder (AUD), but these individuals have decided to fight back and they have taken that first step towards sobriety. These are some of the bravest people in the world because it’s never easy to ask for help, even when we need it. The road to sobriety is a hard one but following the necessary steps and continuously following will help get you to where you want to go.