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Find AA Meetings in Dumas, Texas

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Find AA meetings in Dumas, Texas to help you on your road to recovery. Our comprehensive directory of AA meetings in Texas includes open, closed, speaker, and other specialized meetings, all of which are designed to help you get sober and remain sober.

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Time Name Location / Group Address / Platform Region
8:00 PM Moore County (Dumas) Moore County (Dumas) 700 E 1st St Dumas English   Open Meeting

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Dumas, Texas AA Meetings

Named after its founder, Louis Dumas, the city of Dumas is in the Moore County of Texas. It is one of the state’s leading grain sorghum producing areas. With several site attractions like Treasure Island Water Park, the Windows on the Plains Museum and the Lake Meredith National Recreation Area, recreation in Dumas is quite exciting. Howbeit, there exists a recognizable link between leisure and alcohol indulgence. It is a concern because most people continue to drink even though it was causing them problems. Knowing that there will always be cases of alcohol addiction, the AA Texas is well positioned to help people in Dumas with alcohol use disorder. The AA meetings in Dumas are specially organized for people who desire to overcome their alcohol addiction and substance use disorder. Knowing the implications of an unresolved alcohol addiction, the AA meetings in Dumas offer non-discriminatory, accommodating and supportive outlets to help people fight their addiction. There are tailored approaches which are available to meet the needs of the participants. From group gatherings to private sessions, the treatment is confidential and well-organized. Since the addiction recovery process is multi-facet and stepwise, AA meetings in Dumas are designed to offer a holistic approach in bringing the much needed solutions to alcohol-related addictions.

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