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Find AA Meetings in Kanab, Utah

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Find AA meetings in Kanab, Utah to help you on your road to recovery. Our comprehensive directory of AA meetings in Utah includes open, closed, speaker, and other specialized meetings, all of which are designed to help you get sober and remain sober.

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Time Name Location / Group Address / Platform Region
6:00 PM Singleness of Purpose 000004785-69-07 Online 530 US-89A Kanab Closed Meeting   Discussion   English

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Kanab, Utah AA Meetings

Kanab is a Utah city and the county seat of Kane County. This commercial center, sometimes called “Little Hollywood”, has many residents struggling with alcohol use disorders. This ailment has treatment programs available, and may sometimes require lifelong engagement due to frequent relapses associated with it. AA meetings in Kanab offer several helpful recovery aids and programs to residents with alcohol addiction who want to become sober and work towards long-lasting recovery. These meetings are available without barriers or discrimination. As long as an individual is genuine about seeking help, AA is committed to their long-term recovery. You can find any of these meetings close to your neighborhood from our up-to-date AA meetings Utah directory. Many people do not open up about their struggles with alcohol use disorders for fear of stigmatization, which is why Alcoholics Anonymous has structured its peer support communities as safe spaces for people to heal within. Candlelight meetings, open group sessions, meditations, AA’s 12-step approach to addiction program, and other meeting programs are well-tailored to address a wide range of challenges members face, helping them properly manage this ailment, and make healthier lifestyle changes. Call our hotline to speak to our seasoned specialists for addiction support and if you need adequate information on treatment programs within Kanab.

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