Find AA meetings in Chelan, Washington to help you on your road to recovery. Our comprehensive directory of AA meetings in Washington includes open, closed, speaker, and other specialized meetings, all of which are designed to help you get sober and remain sober.
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Time | Name | Location / Group | Address / Platform | Region | |
12:00 PM | One Day At a Time Wenatchee | One Day At a Time Wenatchee | Online Wenatchee, WA, 98801 | Wenatchee | Discussion Open Meeting |
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Chelan, Washington AA Meetings
Situated in Chelan County, Washington, United States, Chelan is home to a great deal of citizens that are under the influence of alcohol. Addiction to alcohol can ruin relationships as well as cause a user to be mentally unstable. Alcohol addiction can hinder individuals from developing their talents and maturing their talents and living their best lives. Since the losses due to alcohol addiction can be devastating, addressing this issue should be a top priority. Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) is Í international nonprofit and fellowship founded in 1935 by people who have recovered from alcohol addiction who aspired to provide assistance to those who are currently in recovery. Alcoholics Anonymous was undeniably successful by the 21st century, having millions of members all over the world. Alcoholics Anonymous Washington State reaches out to anyone who is recovering from alcohol addiction. The AA community does not discriminate based on race, gender or ethnicity while accepting and helping members regain sobriety. It aspires to help the individual reclaim their lives from the ashes of alcohol addiction. If past traumas are not addressed the addict may be prone to relapse and find recovery more challenging in the long-run. AA meetings in Chelan provide an environment where former and current alcohol addicts can communicate freely and get familiarized with one another. These meetings follow the 12 step approach that can be tailored to suit the individual’s situation and level of addiction. But unlike the 12 step approach, the 12 traditions are kept similar in all meetings and are defined in the big book; the governing literature of Alcoholics Anonymous. In our AA community thousands have been able to become sober and play a huge role in helping others achieve that milestone as well. We create a positive platform where we provide our members with useful experiences and knowledge regarding alcoholism and how they can overcome it.