Find AA meetings in Fife, Washington to help you on your road to recovery. Our comprehensive directory of AA meetings in Washington includes open, closed, speaker, and other specialized meetings, all of which are designed to help you get sober and remain sober.
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Time | Name | Location / Group | Address / Platform | Region | |
5:30 AM | Keep It Simple | Online Only | Online Bellevue, WA | Bellevue | Discussion English Open Meeting |
5:30 AM | Women's Early Risers | Women's Early Risers | Online Seattle, WA | Seattle | English Open Meeting Women's Meeting |
6:00 AM | Wake Up | Online Only | Online Bellevue, WA | Bellevue | English Open Meeting |
6:00 AM | Awake | Awake | Online 120 Olympia Avenue Northeast | Olympia | Open Meeting Wheelchair Access |
6:00 AM | Sunrise Bellevue | Sunrise Bellevue | Online 12302 Northeast 8th Street | Bellevue | Closed Meeting |
6:00 AM | Sunrise | Alano Club of the Eastside | 12302 NE 8th St | Bellevue | Closed Meeting English Wheelchair Access + Wheelchair-Accessible Bathroom |
6:30 AM | The Way Out | Westminster Presbyterian Church | Online 5236 E B St | Tacoma | English LGBTQ+ Open Meeting |
6:30 AM | Sunrise Group Tacoma | Sunrise Group Tacoma | Online 710 South Anderson Street | Tacoma | Closed Meeting |
6:30 AM | As Bill Sees It Lakewood | As Bill Sees It Lakewood | 6507 Mount Tacoma Drive Southwest | Lakewood | Open Meeting Wheelchair Access |
6:30 AM | Airport Earlybirds | Airport Earlybirds | 20402 International Blvd | SeaTac | English Open Meeting Temporary Closure + Wheelchair Access |
6:30 AM | McKinley Hall | McKinley Hall | Online 3411 McKinley Avenue | Tacoma | Open Meeting |
6:30 AM | Friends of Bill W Poulsbo | Friends of Bill W Poulsbo | 1223 Northwest Finn Hill Road | Poulsbo | Open Meeting Wheelchair Access |
6:30 AM | Sunrise Group | Unity of South Sound Church | 710 S Anderson St | Tacoma | Closed Meeting English |
6:30 AM | Renton Early Birds | Renton Early Birds | 1317 Harvey Rd | Auburn | English Wheelchair Access Wheelchair-Accessible Bathroom |
6:30 AM | Digital Dawn Patrol | Digital Dawn Patrol | Online Seattle, WA | Seattle | 12 Steps & 12 Traditions Big Book Birthday + Daily Reflections Digital Basket English Literature Newcomer Open Meeting |
6:30 AM | Dawn Patrol II | Dawn Patrol II | 4320 SW Hill St | Seattle | English Open Meeting Wheelchair Access |
6:55 AM | Serenity Hall Zoom | Serenity Hall Zoom | Online Gig Harbor, WA | Gig Harbor | English Open Meeting |
7:00 AM | Seven & Sober | online-Bothell | Online Bothell, WA | Bothell | 12 Steps & 12 Traditions Big Book English + Open Meeting |
7:00 AM | Water's Edge | Water's Edge | Online Seattle, WA | Seattle | English Open Meeting Wheelchair Access |
7:00 AM | Abigail's Ghost | Abigail's Ghost | Online 766 John St | Seattle | Closed Meeting English Sign Language + Temporary Closure |
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- Please note that AA meeting locations and times tend to change often and quickly, so always check before assuming these times are accurate.
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Fife, Washington AA Meetings
Fife is a city in Pierce County, Washington State, and is known to be home for many who are struggling with alcohol addiction. Alcohol addiction can have far-reaching, negative impact on many aspects of a person’s life. This is why addressing this issue should be one of our top priorities. People who are addicted to alcohol require immediate support and professional assistance and Alcoholics Anonymous Washington State plays a large role in doing just that. Alcoholic Anonymous, commonly known as AA, is a fellowship of many men and women who aspire to help people in recovery overcome their struggles and become sober. AA North Washington helps many achieve sobriety by helping anyone who is struggling with alcohol addiction. It is a community where members are safe from harsh judgments and can receive proper treatment. Its main goal is to keep track of members’ emotional growth and possible setbacks. In order to do this, AA meetings are held frequently and regularly. AA meetings in Fife follow 12 step approach. The 12 steps are personalized to accommodate the user so that he or she can get the most out of the provided treatment. While we modify our 12 step approach, the 12 traditions are more or less kept constant in all AA meetings. We aspire to help those who seek assistance in overcoming their addiction.