Find AA meetings in Wheeling, West Virginia to help you on your road to recovery. Our comprehensive directory of AA meetings in West Virginia includes open, closed, speaker, and other specialized meetings, all of which are designed to help you get sober and remain sober.
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Time | Name | Location / Group | Address / Platform | Region | |
12:00 PM | Thank God I'm Sober Group | Sunlight Club | 234 E Maiden St | Washington | English |
12:00 PM | Made It Till Noon Group | First United Methodist Church | 112 N Richhill St | Waynesburg | Big Book English Wheelchair Access |
12:00 PM | LIVE - Tues Simpson Noon Group | Simpson United Methodist Church | 7th St & Morton Ave | Moundsville | Discussion English Open Meeting |
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Wheeling, West Virginia AA Meetings
Wheeling is located in Ohio and Marshall counties West Virginia. To mitigate the increase in AUD cases across America, the West Virginia Alcoholics Anonymous community has set up AA meetings across the state. Alcoholics Anonymous has been helping persons with AUD overcome the addiction since its inception in 1935 using the principles outlined in the 12-steps program, support group meetings, and the Big Book—Alcoholics Anonymous’ governing text. The AA meetings Wheeling WV organizes, are a great place to access peer support and social guidance. In these meetings, members freely discuss matters relating to AUD recovery, from overcoming triggers to bouncing back from relapse episodes and maintaining sobriety after recovery. The 12-steps methods employed also teach members accountability and responsibility and the vital roles they play in overcoming the addiction and remaining sober. Another feature used in AA meetings in Wheeling West Virginia is “sponsorship”. Within sponsorship, a new member becomes accountable to a more experienced member, while the experienced member becomes personally interested and guides the new member through the AA recovery process. The doors of AA Wheeling are open to anyone who wants to achieve long-term sobriety. Information on meeting venues is provided in the directory published on this site.