Find AA meetings in Colby, Wisconsin to help you on your road to recovery. Our comprehensive directory of AA meetings in Wisconsin includes open, closed, speaker, and other specialized meetings, all of which are designed to help you get sober and remain sober.
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Colby, Wisconsin AA Meetings
It’s no surprise that the small town of Colby, Wisconsin, is the birthplace of the delicious Colby cheese. It’s probably no surprise either that some residents of Colby are affected by alcohol use disorder (AUD), a common disease worldwide characterized by uncontrolled drinking. If you are looking for AA meetings in Colby, use our online directory to search for meetings that fit your needs. Alcoholics Anonymous has been helping people recover from AUD for nearly a century. Relying on the Big Book of AA and the 12 Steps of AA, members often meet in various meetings to share their experiences, struggles, and victories, supporting and inspiring one another. The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking, and there are no membership dues or other participation fees. Those with AUD are diverse, and there are also a variety of AA meetings to attend. Closed meetings are for recovering members only; open meetings are open to supportive family and friends; beginners’ meetings are a great place to get started; you may also find gender-specific meetings, speaker meetings, and more. Whatever meeting you choose, you will find that AA meetings Wisconsin will warmly accept you into their group. Some folks find recovery begins on a solid foundation when they engage in a structured rehab program. Call our helpline and speak to a specialist about detox, inpatient, or outpatient programs to get more information on available treatment programs.