Find AA meetings in Lander, Wyoming to help you on your road to recovery. Our comprehensive directory of AA meetings in Wyoming includes open, closed, speaker, and other specialized meetings, all of which are designed to help you get sober and remain sober.
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Time | Name | Location / Group | Address / Platform | Region | |
12:00 PM | Lander Group | Lander Group | 262 N 3rd St | Lander | Closed Meeting Discussion English |
8:00 PM | Lander Group | Lander Group | 262 N 3rd St | Lander | As Bill Sees It Discussion English + Open Meeting |
7:00 AM | Riverton AA | Brown House | 115 N 5th St E | Riverton | Discussion English Open Meeting |
7:00 AM | Fresh Acceptance - Online | Fresh Acceptance | Online Riverton, WY 82501 | Riverton | English |
12:00 PM | Riverton AA | Riverton AA | 519 E Park Ave | Riverton | Closed Meeting Discussion English |
5:30 PM | New Beginnings Group | New Beginnings Group | 115 N 5th St E | Riverton | Discussion English Open Meeting |
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Lander, Wyoming AA Meetings
Alcoholics Anonymous holds meetings in Lander (the county seat of Fremont County, Wyoming) open to every local with a desire to quit drinking. These Wyoming AA meetings, which come in various formats, serve as a platform for affected locals to mingle, share their experiences, voice their concerns, and swap ideas on recovery techniques. Members can express themselves with the assurance that their concerns are heard by a community of individuals who understand their plight. Alcoholics Anonymous is a global mutual aid community that’s committed to helping its members stay sober. This is achieved by walking its members through the 12-steps and the recovery principles highlighted in Alcoholics Anonymous —the major text for all AA communities. The 12-step approach used by AA to tackle AUD is very effective and has since been adopted by several other support group organizations worldwide. This program teaches members to be more accountable, take responsibility for their actions, and give back to the AA community by assisting fellow members in their recovery process. You can attend AA meetings in Lander regardless of your political views, religious beliefs, or where you are in your recovery journey. You can be sure that there’s a place for you in the AA meetings listed in our online directory.