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Alcoholics Resources

Not affiliated with AAWS, Inc

How Using the HALT Concept Prevents Alcohol Relapse

June 28, 2021 | Susanne Reed, PhD

Many relapse prevention tools have been created to help people trying to maintain recovery. Originating with the Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) program, H.A.L.T. is one of the AA sayings and is a useful acronym for identifying potential relapse triggers.1 In this article: What Is H.A.L.T.? Hungry Angry Lonely Tired What Is H.A.L.T.? While relapse can seem…

Do I Need a Sponsor in AA?

June 22, 2021 | Susanne Reed, PhD

If you have chosen Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) to help you get sober, you are not alone. With over 115,000 groups worldwide, the AA program has helped many people experiencing the same challenges you are going through now. 1 According to a 2014 survey, 82% of AA members have a sponsor.1 There is no one-size-fits-all program…

Is AA for Life?

June 6, 2021 | Ruben Bermea, LPC

Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) can play a major role in your life both in early and long-term recovery. For more than 80 years, the 12 steps of AA have fostered a structure and community based on recovery from alcohol addiction.1 If you choose to commit to AA, this community can be a support throughout your life….

Can My Friends and Family Come With Me to AA Meetings?

May 30, 2021 | Sarah Morris

Attending an Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) meeting on your own can be intimidating, especially if you have never been before, you are going to a new meeting type, or you are going to meetings in a different area. The idea of attending AA meetings with a friend or family member may help you feel more grounded….

Alcohol-Induced Dementia: Effects and Treatment

May 28, 2021 | Sarah Morris

Dementia is a common side effect of heavy, long-term alcohol misuse. Evidence suggests that up to 78% of people who experience alcohol addiction have some degree of brain damage, which can include alcohol-induced dementia and other forms of dementia. The prevalence of dementia is as high as 24% in those who chronically misuse alcohol.1,2 In…

How The 12 Steps Help With Depression For Alcoholics

May 21, 2021 | Susanne Reed, PhD

The founders of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) established the 12 steps for anyone to use as a guide for overcoming an addiction to alcohol and to deal with mental health issues like depression. One of the founding members, Bill Wilson, struggled with depression for years. It became apparent to him that there is a connection between…

How Long Can I Stay in AA?

May 18, 2021 | Jordana White

You may wonder, “How long can I keep going to AA meetings?” The answer is simple: you can continue attending AA meetings for as long as you choose. Mandatory exit dates don’t exist. In fact, continued AA attendance can actually benefit you on your recovery journey. In this article:  Why Are AA Meetings Important? How…

What Is the Best Way to Help a Functioning Alcoholic?

May 17, 2021 | Sarah Morris

Many alcoholics with mild or moderate alcohol use disorder (AUD) are not aware they have a drinking problem, as they may be able to successfully maintain their jobs, careers, and family lives despite misusing alcohol. Some people with AUD may deny they have a drinking problem due to their ability to fulfill these important obligations…

The Role of a Higher Power in 12 Step Drug Treatment

May 11, 2021 | Sarah Morris

Twelve-step programs—including Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)—make numerous references to God and a “Higher Power” in their literature. The role of a higher power in AA is intended to inspire and empower people to become sober, looking to an entity higher than themselves that can guide them toward long-term recovery. Some AA members struggle with understanding the…

Could AA Be Right for Me?

May 5, 2021 | Sarah Morris

Recovering from alcohol addiction is a lifelong journey, which is why this substance use disorder is often treated using a combination of therapies. Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) is one resource to help people become and stay sober and is available nearly worldwide. Whether you recently finished an alcohol rehab program, are seeking the right treatment for…

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