Step 2 AA Meaning: What’s This Higher Power Stuff About?
The Higher Power in Alcoholics Anonymous guides addicts along their recovery journey.
The Higher Power in Alcoholics Anonymous guides addicts along their recovery journey.
Understand the role of step 3 in the 12 step process and how to go about accomplishing it.
Despite its long history and proven effectiveness for thousands of people, recent studies have shown some negative feedback regarding AA.
Alcoholics Anonymous is a free program designed to provide support and acceptance to all who seek recovery.
By organizing your list of people you’ve wronged, keeping the list with you at all times, and becoming willing to make amends, you can successfully accomplish step 8.
Step 5 helps participants realize their mistakes, vow to never make them again, and forgive themselves.
By taking part in Alcoholics Anonymous while in rehab, you will gain an added support network and helpful coping skills for your recovery.
Committing to AA and attending a professional rehab program can help you overcome alcoholism for good.
The steps outlined in Alcoholics Anonymous have been proven effective at helping those in recovery overcome addiction.
Knowing what to avoid and how to behave at AA meetings will boost your recovery success.