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Alcoholics Resources

Not affiliated with AAWS, Inc

Why Does AA Teach Total Abstinence?

May 5, 2016 | Contributor

There are many reasons why AA teaches total abstinence, which is a concept that can be very beneficial to you as a recovering alcoholic. Call to find safe, reliable treatment centers where you can attend AA as part of your recovery. Acceptance is Key Acceptance, according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, is one…

Making Friends in Your Residential Rehab AA Group

May 4, 2016 | Contributor

One of the most important parts of AA is creating a strong social network of individuals who support your recovery, and you can still do this while in residential rehab. Call to find rehab centers that utilize all the treatment options beneficial to you, including AA. Be Open to Others According to the National Institute…

Journaling as a Part of AA

May 3, 2016 | Contributor

Journaling in order to help you in AA can be extremely beneficial, especially when you are also attending residential rehab. Call to find facilities that will cater to your needs and allow you to recover as safely as possible. Why Should I Keep a Journal During My Alcohol Recovery? All components and stages of your…

Do I Have to Take the 12 AA Steps in Order?

April 19, 2016 | Contributor

The 12 steps are meant to be defined and interpreted in the way that is best for you as a recovering individual. However, there are some rules concerning their order, depending on whom you ask. Call today to discuss AA with one of our recovery experts or to find professional rehab centers that will cater…

Will My Addiction Counselor Want Me to Attend AA?

April 18, 2016 | Contributor

It is very likely that your addiction counselor will want you to attend AA. Many therapists encourage their patients to attend support group meetings because of the wonderful benefits these programs often provide. Call today to find rehab programs that utilize medication, counseling, and support groups as part of their treatment services. AA and Counseling…

When Should I Leave AA?

April 17, 2016 | Contributor

Since AA is a free program that does not require insurance, you can leave the group at whatever time is best for you. Call to find AA meeting places as well as professional treatment programs that will be able to help you recover from alcohol abuse. Deciding When to Leave AA The National Institute on…

How Do I Talk to a Friend about Joining AA?

April 15, 2016 | Contributor

If you believe someone you know could benefit from AA in the way you already have, it can still be difficult and intimidating to begin a conversation, but it can also help both of you. To help your friend, talk to them about AA and also call to find treatment centers that could help them…

How to Deal with the Fear of Failure during the Course of Recovery

April 9, 2016 | Contributor

Recovery is hard enough with the emotional roller coaster the addict endures, but the fear of failure can be crippling. Fear of failure is one of the biggest reasons people relapse. It is important to know what these fears are and how to combat them. There are a few ways to deal with the fear…

4 Reasons You Cannot Shame a Loved One into Recovery

April 8, 2016 | Contributor

Most people know that when a loved one becomes addicted, the best way to overcome an addiction is to go to recovery. Still, many do not know how to react when they discover the addiction and can try all types of tactics to get him or her into recovery that can do more harm than…

How Can I Tweak the AA 12 Steps to Fit Me?

April 7, 2016 | Contributor

Every member of AA is different, and their journey through the 12 steps should reflect this. Below are some ways in which you can tweak these well-known steps to sobriety based on your needs. Aren’t the 12 Steps Always Supposed to Be the Same? Not necessarily. You can make changes to these stages just like…

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