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Alcoholics Resources

Not affiliated with AAWS, Inc

Yes, Alcohol Really Does Increase Your Risk of Breast Cancer

October 27, 2021 | Lauren Sawyer

Despite prior recommendations that moderate amounts of alcohol is good for your health, the World Health Organization recently published guidance that said there is no safe level of alcohol consumption. Regardless of the amount, the WHO stated that drinking alcohol is associated with 23 adverse health outcomes, including cancers and cardiovascular disease. This information is…

What Happens When You Call the AA Hotline?

October 25, 2021 | Kerry Nenn

Will I get to talk to an actual person? Will I have to give them all my personal info? Will I get the answers I need? If you’ve never called the AA hotline, your head is probably spinning with questions as your finger pauses over the phone. You need to talk to someone about alcoholism,…

Is AA Free for Anyone Who Wants to Attend?

October 25, 2021 | Autumn Jerumbo

If you or a loved one is struggling with alcohol misuse, you may be wondering, is Alcoholics Anonymous free? The short answer is yes, Alcoholics Anonymous is free. The only requirement for AA members is a desire to stop drinking.1 Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) comprises 12 Steps and 12 Traditions. The steps are a path to…

Is His Memory Loss Due to Alcohol or Dementia?

October 25, 2021 | Kerry Nenn

Ten minutes ago, he asked me how things were going at my new job. Now he’s asking again. These “loop” conversations seem to be happening a lot lately. But after 20 years of drinking, is Dad’s memory loss caused by the alcohol, or is this the onset of dementia?  I’m not sure what to think…or…

When Occasional Drinking Turns into Alcohol Dependency

October 20, 2021 | Nikki Seay

  Having a glass of wine or your favorite beer can feel like slipping into a comfortable pair of jeans. You quickly feel relaxed and more at ease with yourself and the world. Perhaps your alcohol use started by having a cocktail with friends to unwind, or as a tonic at the end of a…

Why Dating in AA is Discouraged in Early Recovery

October 20, 2021 | Nikki Seay

Working through the 12 Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous is a personal journey experienced with others. As you share your experiences and feelings in AA, it’s easy to find common ground with your peers and to develop friendships. It’s also easy to see how you could become attracted to another member as you get to know…

What Can’t You Say in AA Meetings?

October 20, 2021 | Rita Milios

For someone with alcohol use disorder, attending Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) meetings is often a big part of the recovery process. The focus of most AA meetings is on allowing members and newcomers to share with one another in fellowship. Research points to the value of AA meetings in providing:1 Reassurance that you are not alone…

How to Return to AA After a Long Absence

October 18, 2021 | Rachael Goldstein

Deciding to attend an Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) meeting can be difficult and intimidating, even if you want to go and know deep down inside that you need to. But returning to AA after you’ve been absent for a while can sometimes be scarier than attending for the very first time. You might be worried that…

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