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Step 9 of the 12 steps states that one must make direct amends to all the people they have harmed through their substance abuse. But how do you make amends while you are in a residential treatment program?
If you have been abusing drugs or alcohol and need help, call 800-948-8417 Sponsored now to find rehab centers that will cater to your needs.
Talk to Your Counselor
Many counselors in treatment facilities that utilize the 12 steps will often provide therapy that facilitates one’s transition into the program and makes it easier to go through the 12 steps.
Your therapist will likely want to discuss your progress through these steps with you and help you to do so in the safest and healthiest way for your needs. According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, “The content of this intervention is consistent with the 12 Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), with primary emphasis given to Steps 1 through 5.”
This point of focus is usually enforced because individuals so early in their recovery need to focus on only the preliminary steps in order to improve and do well. Therefore, many counselors will tell you that you aren’t ready to move on to step nine so early on.
However, if you and your therapist discuss it and they feel you are ready, they may be able to give you some advice on how to do so.
Leave Making Amends for After Treatment
In rehab, you are meant to focus on you. While it is important to take into account what others in your life have been through and how your drinking or substance abuse may have affected them negatively, this is not the time to put too much pressure on yourself to be a different person. You are still healing and will need to be focused on what that means to you during your residential treatment stay.
As such, it may be better for you to avoid making amends too early on and especially during residential treatment. It can be difficult to do so as well because you are not in close proximity with your loved ones and writing an apology down in a letter (while a good exercise) is not the same as making direct amends.
Making Amends in Residential Care
According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, “The principles of recovery outlined by AA provide effective and proactive tools for continuing one’s recovery from drug involvement,” even after residential care.
Therefore, you do not have to complete all the steps before you leave treatment. However, some people do feel very strongly that making amends at a certain time is important to them.
You can discuss the matter with those to whom you wish to make amends and find out how you might come to do so either in or out of treatment. But it is important to focus first and foremost on your convalescence, especially early on and in residential care, in order to best serve your long-term recovery.
Seek Addiction Treatment Now
Many residential rehab programs exist where you can learn about the 12-step process as well as receive access to many other treatment programs. Call 800-948-8417 Sponsored now to find the best facility for your recovery.