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AA Club – Glenview IL

Not affiliated with AAWS, Inc


1609 Pfingsten Rd
Glenview, IL 60025

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Weekly Meeting Schedule

Types of AA Meetings

Big Book: In Illinois, AA meetings often feature discussions centered on the Big Book. Clients read this collection of stories about men and women who overcame alcohol use disorder for inspiration.

Closed: Closed AA meetings in Illinois are not open to outside observers. Instead, only AA members or individuals looking for help with a drinking problem are invited to attend. The discussions center around topics related to alcoholism and recovery and are of particular value to newcomers.

Open: In Illinois, open AA meetings are available to anyone who wants to learn more about the organization and its 12 step model of recovery. Attendees can include individuals currently seeking treatment for alcohol use disorder as well as friends, relatives, and loved ones of someone battling this addiction.

Speaker: Motivational speakers in Illinois AA programs can inspire clients to reinforce their sobriety. Speakers often use a blend of charm, humor, faith, and raw emotions to get their points across.

Step Meeting: AA programs in Illinois often include step meetings. In these meetings, members converse about their recovery as it relates to a 12 Step program and strategize goals to make their recovery stronger.

Tradition Study: Tradition Study sessions are AA reflections about the organization. Members discuss how AA chapters can be more successful in their purpose through greater unity and its outreach programs.

Other AA Meetings In Glenview

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Big Book Glenview

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Sober Sisters and Brothers Meditation/11th Step Meeting

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John’s Park – 24 Hour A Day Book Meeting

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Sleepy Hollow Step 7am

Sleepy Hollow Park, 1821 Maplewood Ln Glenview, IL 60025

Sleepy Hollow Step 830am

1821 Maplewood Ln Glenview, IL 60025

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