Find AA meetings in Chicago, Illinois to help you on your road to recovery. Our comprehensive directory of AA meetings in Illinois includes open, closed, speaker, and other specialized meetings, all of which are designed to help you get sober and remain sober.
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Time | Name | Location / Group | Address / Platform | Region | |
6:00 AM | Step 1 & Tradition One | 14-0258 | Online 507 W North Ave | Chicago | Closed Meeting English |
6:00 AM | Rise and Shine | 95-9231 | Online Chicago, IL | Chicago | English Open Meeting |
6:00 AM | Speaker - Closed | 14-0258 | 507 W North Ave | Chicago | Closed Meeting English Speaker |
6:30 AM | 24 Hour Book | 06-3863 | 8142 S Kedzie Ave | Chicago | Closed Meeting English |
6:30 AM | Early Birds Online - Chicago | 95-9069 | Online Chicago, IL 60601 | Chicago | 12 Steps & 12 Traditions Closed Meeting English + Step Meeting |
6:45 AM | Early Birds - Big Book Study Meeting | 14-2529 | Online 110 W Madison St | Chicago | Big Book Closed Meeting English + Temporary Closure |
5:15 AM | As Bill Sees It Lake Barrington | As Bill Sees It | W Industrial Ave | Lake Barrington | As Bill Sees It Closed Meeting |
5:59 AM | 5:59 1/2 Big Book Meeting | Anona Center West | Online 129 Fremont St | West Chicago | Big Book Closed Meeting Discussion + English Temporary Closure |
6:00 AM | Great Start Meeting | 12-3350 | Online 620 Wheeling Rd | Wheeling | Closed Meeting English Wheelchair Access |
6:00 AM | Acceptance Group | Acceptance Group (Hybrid) | Online 1047 Curtiss St | Downers Grove | English Open Meeting |
6:00 AM | Men's Early Bird AA Meeting | Zoom | Online Naperville, IL | Naperville | Closed Meeting Discussion English + Men's Meeting Speaker |
6:00 AM | SEAK-AA | 06-9109 | 2508 Collins St | Blue Island | Closed Meeting English |
6:15 AM | Deerfield Early Risers | United Methodist Church | 600 Deerfield Rd | Deerfield | English |
6:30 AM | Discussion | 100-2413 | Online Kildeer, IL 60074 | Kildeer | Closed Meeting English |
6:30 AM | 12 & 12 | 09-4550 | 7438 Harrison St | Forest Park | Closed Meeting English |
6:30 AM | Early Birds | District 41 | 125 S Villa Ave | Villa Park | Closed Meeting Daily Reflections Discussion + English Newcomer Wheelchair Access |
6:30 AM | Palatine Club Meeting | Palatine Club | Online 887 E Wilmette Rd | Palatine | Closed Meeting Discussion English |
6:30 AM | 6:30 am Meeting | 100-2413 | 887 E Wilmette Rd ste d | Palatine | Closed Meeting English |
6:45 AM | Clean Air Club | The Clean Air Club of the NorthShore | 420 Lake Cook Rd Ste 113 | Deerfield | English Open Meeting |
6:45 AM | Freedom Group | Geneva Lutheran Church | 301 S 3rd St | Geneva | Closed Meeting English |
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- Please note that AA meeting locations and times tend to change often and quickly, so always check before assuming these times are accurate.
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Chicago, Illinois AA Meetings
The Chicago AA territory, which includes the city and suburbs, is divided into ten areas. Each AA meeting in Chicago is opened with quiet time and closed with a prayer.
After Tuesday-night talks and Thursday-night discussions, it has become customary for everyone to stick around for conversation and coffee. In addition, there are ten Sunday morning breakfasts that offer question and answer sessions, along with bacon and eggs.
Types of AA Meetings in Chicago
Group meetings in Chicago are held in both open and closed settings, offering a range of meeting types, including discussion meetings. This is a format where members read a passage of The Big Book or other piece of literature, then discuss the contents.
Afterwards, members may share how they relate to the passage, how it has influenced their recovery, or how it gives them hope.
You can also find online/zoom AA meetings, LGBTQ AA meetings, women-only or men-only AA meetings, and more. To find the right AA meeting near you, simply search “AA Meetings today” and filter based on your preferences.