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Crazy Ladies

Not affiliated with AAWS, Inc


1881 E Vine St
Murray, UT 84121

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Types of AA Meetings

Big Book: Utah AA programs often feature the Big Book in discussion groups. This anthology is a collection of stories about real people who successfully controlled their alcohol use disorder and can inspire participants to do the same.

Closed: In Utah, closed AA meetings are restricted to just members of AA and people who realize they have a drinking problem and want to take steps toward recovery. The discussions include topics that are best understood by others who have taken this path before and have insights to share.

Women: Utah AA meetings for women are women-centered support group meetings for community members who are impacted by alcohol addiction - those who are suffering from alcoholism as well as those who have loved ones with alcohol addiction. Open for women of all ages to attend at no cost, these meetings offer peer support and are guided by a 12-step addiction recovery program.

Other AA Meetings In Murray

Find more AA meetings in Murray, UT review all availabilities and filter by day, times and types.

Beacon of Light

4905 S 900 E Murray, UT 84107

Murray Group

240 E 5600 S Murray, UT 84107

Mens 4D Nooner

153 Carlson Ave Midvale, UT 84047

An AA Group

4300 S 700 E Murray, UT 84107

Women in Recovery

Murray, UT

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