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Just The Book

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5197 SE King Rd
Milwaukie, OR 97222

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Meeting Notes

Open Big Book Study


Weekly Meeting Schedule

Types of AA Meetings

Big Book: In Oregon, AA participants use the Big Book as a source of inspiration. They actively discuss the stories of real people in the book who overcame alcohol use disorder.

Child-Friendly: Child-friendly AA meetings allow each member to bring up to one child to the meeting, with the expectation that the discussion will not feature experiences or language that are inappropriate for the child. Formal childcare may not be available, but the member can watch over her child while participating in the discussion.

Open: In Oregon, open AA meetings are available to anyone in the community. They are not restricted to members only, instead allowing all interested parties to attend and learn more about how AA works, what the 12 step model of recovery includes, and how they can support their friends or loved ones battling alcohol addiction.

Other AA Meetings In Milwaukie

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All Welcome Milwaukie

4790 SE Logus Rd Milwaukie, OR, 97222

Chapter 9 – The Family Afterward

10750 SE 42nd Ave Milwaukie, OR 97222

Women’s Spirituality 101

7115 SE Woodstock Blvd Portland, OR 97206

Stag 164 Men’s Group

3915 SE Steele St Portland, OR 97202

The Motley Crew-Online (formerly 11:59)

Southeast Portland, Portland, OR

5:30 Women’s Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous

Southeast Portland, Portland, OR

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