52 Tuttle Rd
Cumberland, ME 04021
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Meeting Notes
District 24 -
Weekly Meeting Schedule
Types of AA Meetings
As Bill Sees It: As Bill Sees It is a collection of essays and reflections from AA’s founder, Bill W., about the organization and its purpose. The book is often referenced in AA meetings to encourage members to individually and collectively discuss their recovery.
Discussion: In Maine, AA discussion meetings are based around a central theme. Once the leader opens the meeting using the group’s chosen format, they will share the meeting’s topic, which normally derives from an AA text, such as the Big Book. After the leader shares a personal reflection, others can join and share their insights.
Open: In Maine, open AA meetings are informative and accessible, welcoming alcoholics and nonalcoholics alike. The meetings include information on what the AA program entails, how the 12 step recovery model works, and what members will experience. They’re ideal for someone new to the organization as well as friends, relatives, and loved ones of those seeking support.