1200 Old Pecos Trail
Santa Fe, NM 87505
Get Help With Alcohol Addiction
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Meeting Notes
zoom Id : 738 376 9517 Passcode : 505505 This meeting is closed; only those who have a desire to stop drinking may attend.
Weekly Meeting Schedule
Types of AA Meetings
Closed: In New Mexico, closed AA meetings are only accessible to current AA members and people who recognize they have a drinking problem and want to find help. This gives newcomers a chance to ask questions and learn more about the program as more experienced members share their reflections and advice.
Discussion: In New Mexico, AA discussion meetings are conversational in nature. Leaders will choose a central theme to discuss, often pulling inspiration from an AA text, such as As Bill Sees It. They’ll share their personal insights first, then allow others to do the same.
Men: New Mexico men impacted by alcohol use disorder can join a free AA program reserved only for men. In meetings, men of all ages participate in 12 Step Programs designed specifically to address their health and recovery.