7405 S Redwood Rd
West Jordan, UT 84084
Get Help With Alcohol Addiction
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Meeting Notes
We meet in the first floor classroom in Sister Fabian Hall — it’s the building on the South side of the parking lot. We do not meet in the church itself. When the weather is good, we frequently meet outside under a pavilion adjacent to a grassy area on the east side of the parish house; If we’re outside, there will be a sign showing the direction of the pavilion.
Weekly Meeting Schedule
Types of AA Meetings
Big Book: Utah AA programs often feature the Big Book in discussion groups. This anthology is a collection of stories about real people who successfully controlled their alcohol use disorder and can inspire participants to do the same.
Closed: In Utah, closed AA meetings are restricted to just members of AA and people who realize they have a drinking problem and want to take steps toward recovery. The discussions include topics that are best understood by others who have taken this path before and have insights to share.