820 W Imperial Hwy
Brea, CA 92821
Get Help With Alcohol Addiction
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Meeting Notes
Password: serenity
Weekly Meeting Schedule
Types of AA Meetings
Closed: Closed AA meetings in California are not open to the general public. They are reserved for members and anyone who has a desire to stop drinking. Discussions are personal in nature and related to alcohol addiction recovery.
Daily Reflections: Daily Reflections is an AA text that compiles insight, experience, and encouragement from various members. Selected contents may be topics of discussions in AA meetings. Members can also adapt reflections into their daily activities.
Women: California women’s AA meetings are peer support meetings for women who are affected by alcohol addiction. Using a 12-step curriculum, these meetings help women at all stages of alcoholism recovery, offering a safe and productive space for community support. These meetings are available at no charge for women of all ages.