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Find AA Meetings in Yorba Linda, California

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Find AA meetings in Yorba Linda, California to help you on your road to recovery. Our comprehensive directory of AA meetings in California includes open, closed, speaker, and other specialized meetings, all of which are designed to help you get sober and remain sober.

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Time Name Location / Group Address / Platform Region
12:00 PM Alkies Winners Circle ZOOM Online Orange County, CA Tustin English   Open Meeting
12:00 PM WESTSIDE SPEAKER / PARTICIPATION WESTSIDE SPEAKER / PARTICIPATION 11530 W Pico Blvd Los Angeles English   Open Meeting   Speaker
12:00 PM Hermosa Beach AA Group SOUTH BAY ALANO CLUB 702 11th Pl Hermosa Beach English   Step Meeting   Wheelchair Access +   Women's Meeting
12:00 PM RAINBOW MEETING RAINBOW MEETING Online Los Angeles, CA Los Angeles Discussion   English   Open Meeting +   Speaker
12:00 PM TGIF PARTICIPATION Serenity Hall 12336 Penn St Whittier English   Open Meeting
12:00 PM Drunk Busters Thursday's Alano Club 16865 E Pacific Coast Hwy Huntington Beach English   Open Meeting
12:00 PM Al fin llegue Al fin llegue 5115 Jurupa Ave b8 Riverside Spanish
12:00 PM Traditions/Discussion SOUTH BAY ALANO CLUB 702 11th Pl Hermosa Beach English   Wheelchair Access
12:00 PM Farmer's Market Group - Los Angeles FARMER'S MARKET: HISTORY OF AA Online Los Angeles, CA Los Angeles English   Literature   Open Meeting
12:00 PM Noon Time Recovery (Costa Mesa) Zoom Online Costa Mesa, CA Costa Mesa English   Open Meeting
12:00 PM The Nooner Fountain Valley Alano Club Online 16581 Brookhurst St Fountain Valley English   Open Meeting
12:00 PM Participation Pasadena Participation Pasadena 2575 Paloma Street Pasadena Open Meeting
12:00 PM Grupo La Nueva Luz 1155 W. Central Ave 1155 W Central Ave Santa Ana Spanish
12:00 PM DOWNEY GROUP NOONER First Presbyterian Ch. 10544 Downey Ave Downey English
12:00 PM Serenity Hall Gang Group - Garden Grove Orangewood Baptist Church 8421 Orangewood Ave Garden Grove English   Open Meeting
12:00 PM PACIFIC T G I F GROUP San Pedro Alano Club 807 S Pacific Ave Los Angeles English   Temporary Closure
12:00 PM ALOHA FRIDAY STEP STUDY ALOHA FRIDAY STEP STUDY Online Los Angeles, CA Los Angeles English   Speaker
12:00 PM Volver A Empezar 1648 S. Minnie St. 1648 S Minnie St Santa Ana Spanish
12:00 PM Bienvenidos Bienvenidos 9085 California Ave Riverside Spanish

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Yorba Linda, California AA Meetings

Alcohol use disorder is a very common brain disorder that is becoming generally widespread in the US even in places like Yorba Linda. In order to help these individuals with alcohol use problem and decrease the numbers dealing with AUD AA meetings in Yorba Linda are regularly organized. AA California has proven to offer a successful program in dealing with alcohol use disorder. They offer support to individuals working to get sober. The meetings provide a platform that is judgment-free and allows for people to openly be able to talk about and deal with their struggles relating to alcohol. Because alcohol use disorder is a serious issue and can lead to fatal consequences it is recommended to seek help before it gets to a stage where it’s too late and becomes uncontrollable. Recommended treatments for alcohol use disorder include visiting AA meetings, going to a psychological counselor to work through the issues causing the excessive drinking, and going through a medically managed detox or withdrawal process. Symptoms to consider when assessing whether you are dealing with AUD include having the strong urge to drink, not being able to control the amount you drink meaning you might go weeks without drinking but once you start there’s no stopping you, etc.

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