1301 Bayshore Rd #204
Villas, NJ 08251
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Types of AA Meetings
Big Book: Clients in New Jersey AA meetings frequently find inspiration in the Big Book. The Big Book is an anthology of real stories about men and women who overcame alcohol use disorder.
Closed: In New Jersey, closed AA meetings are not available to community observers. Only members and individuals seeking help for alcoholism can attend. The discussions focus on topics related to alcohol addiction and recovery, and all attendees are invited to participate.
Men: AA groups in New Jersey offer 12 Step Programs at no cost for members impacted by alcohol use disorder. Some meetings are designated for men only, in which men of all ages can focus on issues relating to their health and recovery.
Speaker: New Jersey AA meetings can feature motivational speakers. These speakers can inspire audiences to strengthen their commitment against alcohol through humor, reason, charm, and faith.
Step Meeting: AA programs in New Jersey often include step meetings. In these meetings, groups compare their recovery to stages in the 12 Step Program and strategize on how to strengthen their resilience by the next meeting.