Santa Barbara, CA
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Meeting Notes
Daily Reflections Discussion Meeting
Weekly Meeting Schedule
Types of AA Meetings
Closed: Closed AA meetings in California are not open to the general public. They are reserved for members and anyone who has a desire to stop drinking. Discussions are personal in nature and related to alcohol addiction recovery.
Discussion: AA discussion meetings in California help members share their thoughts and feelings on a specific topic related to alcoholism and recovery. A pre-determined speaker will open the meeting by sharing a topic from an AA text, such as the Big Book or AA Grapevine. After discussing the topic briefly, they will open the floor for others to speak.
Step Meeting: California offers step programs as part of AA services. In a step meeting, members converse their stage in the 12 Step program, connect their progress with AA texts, and map out their expected future goals throughout the 12 Step Program.
Tradition Study: Tradition Study sessions are AA reflections about the organization. Members discuss how AA chapters can be more successful in their purpose through greater unity and its outreach programs.