Find AA meetings in Barstow, California to help you on your road to recovery. Our comprehensive directory of AA meetings in California includes open, closed, speaker, and other specialized meetings, all of which are designed to help you get sober and remain sober.
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Time | Name | Location / Group | Address / Platform | Region | |
12:00 PM | Open Participation Barstow | Open Participation | 951 Main Street | Barstow | Open Meeting |
12:30 PM | Attitude of Gratitude | Alano Club | 129 W White St | Barstow | English Open Meeting |
12:00 PM | Spanish | Adelanto | 12036 Bartlett Ave | Adelanto | Spanish |
12:00 PM | Open Participation 6th Street Victorville | Open Participation 6th Street Victorville | 15624 6th Street | Victorville | Open Meeting |
12:00 PM | Noon Meeting | Little House | 14298 St Andrews Dr # 8 | Victorville | English Open Meeting |
12:00 PM | The Last Resort | The Last Resort | 16330 Walnut Street | Hesperia | Open Meeting |
1:00 PM | Womens Meeting Main Street | Womens Meeting Main Street | 16005 Main Street | Hesperia | Open Meeting Women's Meeting |
2:00 PM | Open Participation Yermo | Open Participation Yermo | 456 West Yermo Road | Yermo | Open Meeting |
4:00 PM | Big Book Study Victorville | Big Book Study Victorville | 13230 El Evado Road | Victorville | Open Meeting |
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Barstow, California AA Meetings
In Barstow, AA California now organizes meetings which enable people who live in this city and those from neighboring towns to effectively embark on sobriety through nonmedical routes. Barstow is a city which is located a reasonable distance to the north of San Bernardino. This town is in San Bernardino County of California. AA meetings in Barstow aim to help members achieve their goals and get reliable solutions with respect to alcohol addiction. Alcoholics Anonymous is a community of people who realize that peer support is very essential in achieving sobriety. Therefore, AA California meetings as well as others organized in states all over the American nation have resolved to provide real time support to members. AA meetings in Barstow have a variety of options from which members can choose whichever they feel at home with. Open meetings are the most common and promote collective recovery through peer to peer support. What does this mean? Members are encouraged to help one another achieve their objectives. By promoting friendships, active participation in meetings and interaction between members of open AA meetings in Barstow, recovery is promoted. Closed meetings focus on direct interaction between mentors and members who desire to quit problem drinking or overcome alcoholism. Therefore, these meetings have stringent privacy policies which emblem confidentiality to be maintained. For fun-loving individuals, there are Candlelight meetings which are held at night and provide a source of recreation.