Find AA meetings in Cottonwood, California to help you on your road to recovery. Our comprehensive directory of AA meetings in California includes open, closed, speaker, and other specialized meetings, all of which are designed to help you get sober and remain sober.
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Time | Name | Location / Group | Address / Platform | Region | |
5:00 PM | Five O'clock Somewhere (Conf. Call) | Red Bluff Online | Red Bluff, CA 96080 | Red Bluff | Discussion English Speaker |
5:30 PM | AA Women in the Park | Enterprise Park | 4000 Victor Ave | Redding | Daily Reflections Discussion English + Open Meeting Outdoor Meeting Speaker Wheelchair Access Wheelchair-Accessible Bathroom Women's Meeting |
5:30 PM | FREE AT LAST II | St. James Lutheran Church | 2500 Shasta View Dr | Redding | Discussion English Open Meeting |
5:30 PM | Carry This Message | All Saints Church | 2150 Benton Dr | Redding | Closed Meeting English Women's Meeting |
6:00 PM | SERENITY GROUP | St. Michael's Church | 3440 Shasta Dam Blvd | Shasta Lake | Discussion English Open Meeting |
6:00 PM | Promises | Alano Club | 1050 State St | Redding | English Open Meeting Wheelchair Access |
6:00 PM | NO NAME GROUP | First Methodist Church | 1825 East St | Redding | Closed Meeting Discussion English + Men's Meeting Speaker |
6:00 PM | ANY LENGTHS GROUP | Valley Christian Center | 2831 Freeman St | Anderson | Discussion English Open Meeting + Speaker |
6:30 PM | Live and Let Live Group - Red Bluff | The Club in Red Bluff | 785 Musick Ave | Red Bluff | Closed Meeting Discussion English + Speaker Temporary Closure Women's Meeting |
6:30 PM | ALKIES IN ACTION | First Christian Church | 926 Madison St | Red Bluff | English Open Meeting |
6:30 PM | Steel Magnolias Women's Speaker Meeting (conf. call) | Red Bluff Online | Red Bluff, CA 96080 | Red Bluff | Discussion English Speaker + Women's Meeting |
7:00 PM | Grupo Nuevo Amanecer | Grupo Nuevo Amanecer | 2337 Balls Ferry Rd | Anderson | Open Meeting Spanish |
7:00 PM | AA Corning Open Meeting | Northside Park | 1414 Colusa St | Corning | English Open Meeting |
7:30 PM | LAKESIDE CAMPFIRE GROUP | About Time Recovery | 12194 Lake Blvd | Redding | English Open Meeting |
8:00 PM | MEN'S BIG BOOK STUDY | The Club in Red Bluff | 785 Musick Ave | Red Bluff | English Open Meeting |
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- Please note that AA meeting locations and times tend to change often and quickly, so always check before assuming these times are accurate.
- Do you have new information about an AA meeting? Please let us know!