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Find AA Meetings in Durham, California

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Find AA meetings in Durham, California to help you on your road to recovery. Our comprehensive directory of AA meetings in California includes open, closed, speaker, and other specialized meetings, all of which are designed to help you get sober and remain sober.

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Time Name Location / Group Address / Platform Region
12:00 PM Chico Central Chico Central 1102 Mangrove Ave Chico Discussion   English   Open Meeting +   Wheelchair Access
12:00 PM Yuba City 329 Group Yuba City 329 Group 517 Forbes Ave Yuba City English   Open Meeting   Wheelchair Access
12:00 PM Paradise Central Paradise Central 7126 Skyway d2 Paradise English   Open Meeting
12:00 PM Marysville Unity Group HUB Alano 518 12th St Marysville Discussion   English   Open Meeting +   Wheelchair Access
3:30 PM Chico Central Popsicle Stick Chico Central 1102 Mangrove Ave Chico Discussion   English   Open Meeting +   Wheelchair Access

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Durham, California AA Meetings

A small census-designated place in Butte County, California is known as Durham. This area shows an increasing number of individuals are visibly suffering from alcohol use disorder. AA meetings Durham provides a worthy assistance program for people in this area. AA California meetings mostly use the 12-step approach, while others might be recommended for inpatient rehab, depending on the individual’s preliminary assessment. The atmosphere at these meetings is warm and very friendly. Alcohol addiction affects an individual’s physical, emotional, and economic well-being, also people around them. Detoxification is usually the first application to recover from alcohol addiction, followed by medications and therapies. These AA meetings are delivered in different formats including spiritual meetings, candlelight meetings, women’s only or men’s only meetings. There are also open AA meetings where families and friends are allowed to join. Individuals are not forced but are encouraged to openly speak about their addiction. There are alternatives for others, such as smaller groups or even one-and-one alternatives. AA meetings are good for gaining knowledge and understanding of alcohol addiction. Alcohol addiction affects people’s livelihood, also their physical, emotional, and economic well-being. Counseling therapies and AA meetings Durham are an effective strategy to provide support while recovering and stay alcohol-free.

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