Find AA meetings in Novato, California to help you on your road to recovery. Our comprehensive directory of AA meetings in California includes open, closed, speaker, and other specialized meetings, all of which are designed to help you get sober and remain sober.
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Time | Name | Location / Group | Address / Platform | Region | |
6:30 AM | Day at a Time - Lighthouse Church | Lighthouse Church | Online 1915 Novato Blvd | Novato | Big Book Discussion English + Open Meeting Wheelchair Access |
12:39 AM | Nightly Speaker/Discussion | Nightly Speaker/Discussion | Online Oakland, CA | Oakland | English |
5:30 AM | On Awakening Group San Francisco | On Awakening Group | Online San Francisco, CA, 94102 | San Francisco | Big Book English Open Meeting |
5:30 AM | El Sobrante Fellowship | Ste 201 | 4980 Appian Way | El Sobrante | Big Book English Wheelchair Access |
5:30 AM | On Awakening | On Awakening | Online Marin County, CA | Point Reyes Station | Big Book English Open Meeting |
5:30 AM | On Awakening | Marin Lutheran Church | 649 Meadowsweet Dr | Corte Madera | 12 Steps & 12 Traditions Big Book Discussion + English Literature Meditation Newcomer Open Meeting Speaker Tradition Study |
6:00 AM | 6 AM Dry Dock | Dry Dock | 2118 Greenwich St | San Francisco | English Open Meeting Wheelchair Access |
6:00 AM | A.A. for Women | Dry Dock | 2118 Greenwich St | San Francisco | English Open Meeting Wheelchair Access + Women's Meeting |
6:00 AM | A.A. for Women | A.A. for Women | Online San Francisco, CA | San Francisco | English Open Meeting Women's Meeting |
6:00 AM | Sunrise Group - Lafayette | Little League Hut | Online 711 St Marys Rd | Lafayette | Discussion English |
6:00 AM | 6 AM Dry Dock | 6 AM Dry Dock | Online San Francisco, CA | San Francisco | English Open Meeting |
6:15 AM | Rockridge Fellowship Attitude Adjustment | Rockridge Fellowship Attitude Adjustment | Online 3989 Howe Street | Oakland | Discussion Open Meeting |
6:15 AM | Attitude Adjustment | Rockridge Fellowship | Online Oakland, CA | Oakland | Discussion English Open Meeting |
6:15 AM | Attitude Adjustment | Rockridge Fellowship | 3989 Howe St | Oakland | English Literature |
6:30 AM | Design for Living | Danville Fellowship | Online Danville, CA 94526 | Danville | Big Book Closed Meeting English |
6:30 AM | Park Street Center - Alameda | Park Street Center | 1510 Oak St | Alameda | Discussion English Open Meeting + Speaker |
6:30 AM | Uncertain Steps | Alano Club | 106 Peabody Rd | Vacaville | English Open Meeting |
6:30 AM | Keep Coming Back Napa | Keep Coming Back Napa | Online 4th St & Franklin St | Napa | Daily Reflections Discussion Open Meeting |
6:30 AM | Park Street Center - Alameda | Park Street Center | Online 1510 Oak St | Alameda | Discussion English Open Meeting + Temporary Closure |
6:30 AM | Early Birds | Alano Club | 1050 Petaluma Blvd N | Petaluma | Child-Friendly English Open Meeting + Wheelchair Access |
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- Please note that AA meeting locations and times tend to change often and quickly, so always check before assuming these times are accurate.
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Novato, California AA Meetings
Novato is a city in northern Marin County. While it has many interesting things to see and do, Novato is also home to many people who are struggling with alcohol dependence, making it vital to be able to find the closest AA meetings in Novato. Fighting alcohol dependence alone is a difficult situation, and it could lead to serious problems. Our site is dedicated to helping you find AA meetings Novato if you are struggling with alcohol use disorder, also known as AUD. Our directory of all AA California meetings is frequently updated and checking a list of AA meetings around you is easy. AA stands for Alcoholics Anonymous. The community uses a 12-step program that has helped to achieve sobriety for millions of people around the world. Oftentimes, coping with everyday problems is not easy and people may turn to drinks as a coping mechanism for those stress triggers. You may want to turn to an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting for help if you find yourself unable to cut back on your drinking, or unable to stop entirely. The emotional and social support that is a critical part of the recovery process can be provided by AA meetings. You can hear many inspiring stories from other individuals who have gotten rid of alcohol for good and attend meetings to help stay on the path to recovery. Fee free to contact our specialists immediately if you need help to start your recovery journey.