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Find AA Meetings in Quincy, California

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Find AA meetings in Quincy, California to help you on your road to recovery. Our comprehensive directory of AA meetings in California includes open, closed, speaker, and other specialized meetings, all of which are designed to help you get sober and remain sober.

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Time Name Location / Group Address / Platform Region
12:00 PM Quincy Meeting County Annex Orchard House 260 County Hospital Rd Quincy Discussion   English   Open Meeting

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Quincy, California AA Meetings

Quincy is the county seat of Plumas County, California. Although it is one of the small cities in the U.S., it is home to a few people struggling with alcohol dependency. That is why, in Quincy and the surrounding cities, AA California meetings are now available. Alcoholics Anonymous significantly helps people experiencing alcohol addiction to solve the dangerous problem of alcohol dependency by offering proven treatment methods to them. All AA meetings in Quincy create a lovely and friendly environment where newcomers will feel free to interact with old members. Many kinds of meetings are available. Family, friends, and well-wishers can participate in open meetings and provide their loved ones with support through recovery. This provides them with a feeling of security. To help individuals overcome alcohol addiction and have a personalized experience, closed AA meetings have been established. Members are encouraged at closed meetings to share their issues with experienced members and get guided on the path to long-lasting sobriety. It should be noted that participation in closed meetings is only available to Alcoholics Anonymous members. There are also 12-Step meetings where members are guided through special guidelines on the path to healthy living. Call us today for guidance on your recovery journey.

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