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Find AA Meetings in Live Oak, Florida

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Find AA meetings in Live Oak, Florida to help you on your road to recovery. Our comprehensive directory of AA meetings in Florida includes open, closed, speaker, and other specialized meetings, all of which are designed to help you get sober and remain sober.

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Time Name Location / Group Address / Platform Region
10:15 AM Living Sober Group Lake City Living Sober Group Lake City 620 West Duval Street Lake City Discussion   Open Meeting   Wheelchair Access +   Women's Meeting
12:00 PM Zoom Living Sober Group Zoom Lake City, FL Lake City Discussion   English   Open Meeting
12:00 PM Living Sober Group Lake City Living Sober Group Lake City 620 West Duval Street Lake City Discussion   Open Meeting   Wheelchair Access
8:00 PM Living Sober Group Lake City Living Sober Group Lake City 620 West Duval Street Lake City Discussion   Open Meeting   Wheelchair Access

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Live Oak, Florida AA Meetings

Live Oak is a city in Suwannee County, Florida. The city has been serving as the seat of Suwannee County for quite a while, and it is located just on the east of Tallahassee. Live Oak is one of the major agricultural hotspots in all of Florida. The city is home to a lot of activities involving watermelons, straws, and timber. The city is also close to the famous Suwannee River as well as several other freshwater sources. All of these and proximity to Tallahassee have led the city to grow significantly in population. There are thousands of people who live in Live Oak, and quite a number seem to struggle with alcohol addiction. Thankfully, there are AA meetings Florida available in this city to provide adequate relief for this condition. Many of these meetings are incredibly helpful, and you will appreciate the effort they put into ensuring that you no longer have to deal with this situation anymore. For many people, the most fascinating thing about the AA meetings in Live Oak is that they don’t pressure you. The meetings’ facilitators understand that this journey to sobriety is for you alone, and they ensure that you can effectively fight addiction on your terms. This will prove to be incredibly valuable.

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