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Find AA Meetings in Kaunakakai, Hawaii

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Find AA meetings in Kaunakakai, Hawaii to help you on your road to recovery. Our comprehensive directory of AA meetings in Hawaii includes open, closed, speaker, and other specialized meetings, all of which are designed to help you get sober and remain sober.

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Time Name Location / Group Address / Platform Region
5:30 PM A Big Book / Topic Discussion Kahale Pomaikai office 372 Kamehameha V Hwy Kaunakakai Big Book   English   Open Meeting
7:00 AM Honokowai Beach Meeting Honokowai Beach Park Honokōwai Beach Park Lahaina English   Open Meeting   Outdoor Meeting
12:00 PM Sober and Crazy Good Shepherd Church 2140 Main St Wailuku English   Open Meeting
12:00 PM Serene Gecko (ocean side) Wahikuli Wayside Park Wahikuli Wayside Park, Wayside Park, HI-30 Lahaina English   Open Meeting
5:30 PM Sick and Sober Wells Park 1839 Wells St Wailuku Big Book   English
6:30 PM Spinners Pineapple Grill 100 Kapalua Dr Lahaina English   Open Meeting
6:30 PM At Some of These We Balked Good Shepherd Church 2140 Main St Wailuku English   Open Meeting
6:30 PM Kapalua Spinners Kapalua Spinners 100 Kapalua Drive Lahaina Open Meeting

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Kaunakakai, Hawaii AA Meetings

Kaunakakai is a city in Maui County, Hawaii. It is home to the public attraction of Hawaii’s longest pier and the community resource of AA meetings Hawaii residents can attend to find support in achieving and maintaining sobriety. AA meetings in Kaunakakai provide a safe space for individuals who struggle with alcohol dependence or addiction to meet others with the shared goal of long-term sobriety. These meetings can also enhance addiction treatment, such as group or family counseling and personal behavioral therapy. Specific types of AA meetings, such as 12-step programs, can provide a framework for understanding and overcoming your addiction over time. There is no requirement to join AA meetings—you can attend while you consider seeking therapeutic treatment, as part of your aftercare following inpatient care, as supplemental support to your current outpatient treatment, or at any time during your personal recovery journey. As you take things one day at a time, rest assured that your AA community will be with you every step of the way and keep your feet grounded. All you have to do is find the next meeting near you and attend today. To find additional support, call an addiction treatment specialist to discuss your treatment options.

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