Find AA meetings in Waianae, Hawaii to help you on your road to recovery. Our comprehensive directory of AA meetings in Hawaii includes open, closed, speaker, and other specialized meetings, all of which are designed to help you get sober and remain sober.
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Time | Name | Location / Group | Address / Platform | Region | |
12:00 PM | Tuesday Noon Grapevine | Kapiolani Park - Mountain Side | 3908 Paki Ave | Honolulu | English Grapevine Open Meeting |
1:00 PM | Hawaii Online Meetings | Hawaii Online Meetings | Online Honolulu, HI | Honolulu | English Open Meeting |
3:15 PM | Came To Believe | Kaheiheimalie Building - Queen's Counseling Center | Kaheiheimalie Building, 1374 Nuuanu Ave | Honolulu | English Open Meeting Temporary Closure + Wheelchair Access Wheelchair-Accessible Bathroom |
4:45 PM | Alcoholics of our Type | Alcoholics of our Type | 1501 Ala Moana Blvd | Honolulu | Closed Meeting Discussion English + Literature Outdoor Meeting Speaker |
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Waianae, Hawaii AA Meetings
Waianae, Hawaii is a census-designated place in Honolulu County on the island of Oahu; the area is located on the leeward coast, near Honolulu. If you are in addiction recovery, are visiting Oahu, or are fortunate enough to live or work in the area, our online listing of AA meetings in Waianae may be attractive. Newcomers to the Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) program may want to know just what AA does. AA meetings Hawaii is a fellowship of people who want to quit drinking or using other substances and maintain sobriety. Their common problems and shared experiences help the new members of AA and those often referred to as “old-timers.” AA employs a spiritual set of principles called the 12-Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous. Working the 12-Steps, along with a sponsor (mentor), helps those recovering from substance use disorders abstain from alcohol while, at the same time, developing a satisfying alcohol-free lifestyle. The Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous serves as the primary form of literature, outlining many of the founders’ stories and breaking down exactly how a recovering person is to work the Steps. This 12-Step set of spiritual principles, when employed daily, is one method of enabling a recovering person to create a life that is free of the obsession to misuse alcohol.