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Find AA Meetings in Fairfield, Illinois

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Find AA meetings in Fairfield, Illinois to help you on your road to recovery. Our comprehensive directory of AA meetings in Illinois includes open, closed, speaker, and other specialized meetings, all of which are designed to help you get sober and remain sober.

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Time Name Location / Group Address / Platform Region
7:00 PM Fairfield First United Methodist Church 109 S 1st St Fairfield English   Open Meeting
12:00 PM The Friday Noon Group The Knights of Columbus House 1408 Harrison St Mount Vernon Discussion   English   Open Meeting
4:00 PM Olney All For One 1044 S Whittle Ave Olney English   Open Meeting
7:00 PM Eldorado First Christian Church 1125 Walnut St Eldorado English   Open Meeting
7:00 PM Friday Night Mixers Friday Night Mixers Group 314 N 12th St Mount Vernon English
8:00 PM Salem Group Salem Group 201 E McMackin St Salem Discussion   English   Open Meeting

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Fairfield, Illinois AA Meetings

Fairfield, Illinois is the county seat of Wayne County. AA meetings Illinois have been helping individuals with alcohol use disorder for generations, and AA Fairfield meetings are available to help individuals who are looking to make a change. People come to AA at many different points in their recovery journey. Some people come after they have gotten sober on their own, knowing that they need help to maintain that sobriety. Other people, who got sober with the assistance of a treatment program, perhaps with a medical detox, may be introduced to AA by their treatment providers while still in their program. Others may not seek out AA until after a treatment program concludes, so they can have a resource to provide the motivation and structure that the program used to provide. The recovery community you find at AA meetings Illinois is therapeutic no matter where you are in your recovery timeline. And because they have the understanding that only someone with an addiction to alcohol can have, instead of judging someone who has relapsed, they welcome them. AA understands that relapse is just a sign that you needed something more out of recovery that you weren’t getting, and they will help you figure out what that is.

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