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Find AA Meetings in Metropolis, Illinois

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Find AA meetings in Metropolis, Illinois to help you on your road to recovery. Our comprehensive directory of AA meetings in Illinois includes open, closed, speaker, and other specialized meetings, all of which are designed to help you get sober and remain sober.

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Time Name Location / Group Address / Platform Region
12:00 PM Hope And Action Group Hope And Action Group 303 W Broadway Mayfield Discussion   English   Open Meeting
12:00 PM Hope and Action Hope And Action Group 1325 US-45 Mayfield English
4:30 PM Sunset Group Sunset Group 1397 Irvin Cobb Dr Paducah Closed Meeting   Discussion   English

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Metropolis, Illinois AA Meetings

Metropolis is a city in Massac County, Illinois. The town is the seat of Massac County, and it is also the “hometown of Superman.” The city’s House of Representatives commissioned it as the home to the superhero back in the 70s, and you can find several memorabilia to that effect in the city to this day. Metropolis is a great place to stay, thanks in no small part to its assortment of top AA meetings Illinois that help people living with alcohol addiction to recover effectively. The AA meetings in Metropolis are especially great for their diversity and operation. They allow anyone in, regardless of their background or how long they’ve been battling addiction. As you can expect, the meetings allow you to speak with facilitators and others fighting addiction. This therapy operation ensures that you can talk about your challenge and what triggers the addiction in you. From there, it becomes easy to understand how you can live every day without falling into a relapse. Note that the journey to sobriety can be pretty challenging. However, you can rest assured that the people you meet at these meetings will be there for you at every turn. With such support, it becomes incredibly easy to make progress and grow into that sober life you always wanted.

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