Find AA meetings in Armstrong, Iowa to help you on your road to recovery. Our comprehensive directory of AA meetings in Iowa includes open, closed, speaker, and other specialized meetings, all of which are designed to help you get sober and remain sober.
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Armstrong, Iowa AA Meetings
Armstrong, a city in Emmet County, Iowa, was historically known as Armstrong Grove. If you have been diagnosed with alcohol addiction or have relapsed after addiction treatment, you may be interested in finding AA meetings in Armstrong. Those who are new to Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) may have many questions about the program. A concept that is confusing to some newcomers is the principle of anonymity. What is anonymity? As far as AA is concerned, anonymity has enormous spiritual importance. Although it may take some time in the program to have a clear understanding of the concept of anonymity, in a nutshell, it means that when you attend AA meetings in Iowa, the group members will keep anything you say in confidentiality. Anonymity is so crucial to the 12-Step program of AA that your name will not be disclosed to others, particularly in public forums such as the newspaper or radio. This is not to say that AA members withhold their identity from each other. The program’s founders clarified that full disclosure regarding having an alcohol addiction when addressing one’s AA group members is essential. The significance of disclosure within the group is making oneself accessible to other members in need of support (particularly newcomers).