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Find AA Meetings in Danforth, Maine

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Find AA meetings in Danforth, Maine to help you on your road to recovery. Our comprehensive directory of AA meetings in Maine includes open, closed, speaker, and other specialized meetings, all of which are designed to help you get sober and remain sober.

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Time Name Location / Group Address / Platform Region
7:30 PM Houlton Thursday Night Group Houlton 116 Main St Houlton English   Newcomer   Open Meeting +   Speaker   Young People

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Danforth, Maine AA Meetings

Danforth is a town in Washington County, Maine; the viliage was named for proprietor Thomas Danforth. Danforth comprises the villages of Danforth and Eaton. Those coping with alcohol addiction who live in Washington County may be pleased to learn about our online director of AA meetings in Danforth. Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) is a program that has helped millions of people in Maine and across the nation get sober. But, how does AA work? AA’s sponsorship (mentorship) program may be one reason for the program’s success. With time in sobriety, experienced members in AA provide 1:1 support to newcomers. Newcomers are taught how to follow the steps of Alcoholics Anonymous by their sponsors. The 12 Steps are a spiritual set of principles that have helped millions of people with alcohol addiction abstain from alcohol and maintain long-term sobriety. For those who may need a more structured alcohol addiction program than our directory of AA meetings in Maine (such as an inpatient or outpatient facility), our friendly, experienced treatment specialists can help. Many people need to go to alcohol detox to quit drinking alcohol safely. Detox is usually only available at an inpatient facility. If you need help finding an addiction treatment center near you, we can help.

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