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Find AA Meetings in Fort Fairfield, Maine

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Find AA meetings in Fort Fairfield, Maine to help you on your road to recovery. Our comprehensive directory of AA meetings in Maine includes open, closed, speaker, and other specialized meetings, all of which are designed to help you get sober and remain sober.

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Fort Fairfield, Maine AA Meetings

Fort Fairfield’s thousands-strong citizens enjoy access to some impressive social amenities. Among these are the many AA meetings in Fort Fairfield for those who would like support and guidance with recovery from alcohol use disorder. These meetings are part of the AA mission to address the growing number of individuals with alcohol use disorder in the Fort Fairfield area. There are many different types of AA meetings in Maines, including discussion meetings that are promote discourse on a specific topic, step meeting that focuses on the study and application of one of the famous 12 steps of AA, general meetings where one speaker will talk before the floor is opened up to anybody else who would like to share, and even meditation meetings that focus specifically on AA’s 11th step. AA meetings promote sharing which can be beneficial to the sharer who is allowed to get some things off their chess, and the listeners who can glean lessons from other people’s experiences. Sharing also promotes a certain level of community and lets members know that they are not alone in their goals to recover from alcohol use disorder. AA meetings in Fort Fairfield can be very beneficial but they are not necessarily a replacement for formal rehab. For help finding more than just AA meetings, give our specialists a call.

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