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Find AA Meetings in Cook, Minnesota

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Find AA meetings in Cook, Minnesota to help you on your road to recovery. Our comprehensive directory of AA meetings in Minnesota includes open, closed, speaker, and other specialized meetings, all of which are designed to help you get sober and remain sober.

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Time Name Location / Group Address / Platform Region
6:00 PM As Bill Sees It Group Hibbing As Bill Sees It Group #179485 3725 1st Avenue Hibbing Closed Meeting   English
7:00 PM Virginia Mon Night Big Book Gp Virginia Mon Night Big Book Gp #635763 212 S 5th Ave Virginia Closed Meeting   English
7:00 PM Hibbing Downtown Group - ONLINE & Hibbing Downtown Group #107764 2028 7th Ave E Hibbing 12 Steps & 12 Traditions   Big Book   Closed Meeting +   English
8:00 PM Hibbing Group Hibbing Group #107763 3725 1st Ave Hibbing Closed Meeting   English
8:00 PM Pike Sandy Monday Night Group Pike Sandy Monday Night Group #121792 6862 Co Hwy 68 Embarrass Closed Meeting   English

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Cook, Minnesota AA Meetings

Cook is a very small city in Saint Louis County, in the US state of Minnesota. Residents of Cook who are experiencing challenges with the misuse of alcohol should take the necessary steps in seeking assistance from the Alcoholics Anonymous meetings which have been established to assist in this regard. Persons can locate these AA meetings in Cook via a local directory listing that has been made available to them. This detailed listing is quite informative as it tells of the various times, dates, and locations of these meetings. The use of alcohol can affect the daily lives of these individuals, affecting the family unit, and affecting the interpersonal relationship. Also, certain illnesses may occur as a result of this AUD. At the AA Minnesota meetings, the facilitation is assisted by previous members who have accepted the challenge to give of themselves positively in helping to manage the meetings. The atmosphere is quite receptive and there is harmony amongst one another. The group members all unite for a common cause of trying to remain sober and alcohol-free. At open meetings, people can bring friends or family along. At the AA Minnesota meetings, the treatment process has a 12-step method. Following the treatment process is very important to these members, so they are encouraged to do so for positive results.

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