Find AA meetings in Erskine, Minnesota to help you on your road to recovery. Our comprehensive directory of AA meetings in Minnesota includes open, closed, speaker, and other specialized meetings, all of which are designed to help you get sober and remain sober.
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Time | Name | Location / Group | Address / Platform | Region | |
12:00 PM | TRF Twin Rivers Noonday AA Group | TRF Twin Rivers Noonday AA Group #716253 | 614 Davis Ave N | Thief River Falls | English |
7:00 PM | Northern Stars Group | Northern Stars Group #659831 | 614 Davis Ave N | Thief River Falls | Closed Meeting English |
7:00 PM | Bagley Group | Bagley Group #107511 | 16732 US-2 | Bagley | Closed Meeting English |
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Erskine, Minnesota AA Meetings
Erskine is a very small city in Polk County, in the US state of Minnesota, and is part of the Grand Forks Metropolitan Area. Alcohol use disorders exist in this area and affect many people. Unfortunately, there can be repercussions if these individuals don’t make use of the opportunity that is provided by Alcoholics Anonymous. It is therefore incumbent on the individuals to obtain all the assistance that they can acquire to alleviate this problem. The assistance of families and friends must also become a necessity, as often these persons are not able to independently seek assistance as they might be in denial. This is where the AA meetings in Erskine come into play; residents can access these meetings via a local directory listing that gives information on the various meetings being held. At the AA Minnesota meetings, leadership is done by previous members who can relate their experiences of how they were able to be rehabilitated and staying alcohol-free. There are teamwork and unity at these meetings and each person can provide support for one another. At some meetings families and friends are allowed to join, while at the other sessions there is a greater level of privacy. The treatment process practice is the 12-step approach, and once members fully adhere to it, it will often yield a favorable outcome.