Find AA meetings in Fosston, Minnesota to help you on your road to recovery. Our comprehensive directory of AA meetings in Minnesota includes open, closed, speaker, and other specialized meetings, all of which are designed to help you get sober and remain sober.
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Time | Name | Location / Group | Address / Platform | Region | |
7:00 PM | Bagley Step Study Group | Bagley Step Study Group #720846 | 27 Central St W | Bagley | English |
8:00 PM | Erskine Tues Night Group | Erskine Tues Night Group #691899 | 332 Vance Ave S | Erskine | English |
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Fosston, Minnesota AA Meetings
Fosston is a city in Polk County, Minnesota. There are AA meetings in Fosston to provide peer support to its residents who have alcohol use disorder (AUD). These are a part of the larger presence of AA in Minnesota that has been helping people for decades. AA revolves heavily around its 12-step system which is a spiritually oriented program that provides a framework for how those with AUD can live a sober life. These 12 steps help members to stay sober by helping them deal with everyday challenges and problems. In AA there are closed and open meetings. The closed meetings invite members only to speak and listen to discussions. The open version, on the other hand, welcomes the general public regardless of status with alcohol use disorder. Meetings are generally one hour long and are held in private rooms. There are different formats for AA meetings. Speaker meetings include a preselected speaker who talks about their experiences with AUD and recovery. Discussion meetings involve more interaction between members. For those new to AA, Beginner meetings provide a good foundation of knowledge about AA. Check the listings in this directory for information about AA meetings in Fosston. If you are looking for formal rehab treatment options, give our specialists a call today.