Find AA meetings in Hanley Falls, Minnesota to help you on your road to recovery. Our comprehensive directory of AA meetings in Minnesota includes open, closed, speaker, and other specialized meetings, all of which are designed to help you get sober and remain sober.
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Time | Name | Location / Group | Address / Platform | Region | |
2:00 PM | Redwood Falls Women's Group | Redwood Falls Alano Group #682994 | 1008 S Ramsey St | Redwood Falls | Closed Meeting English |
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Hanley Falls, Minnesota AA Meetings
Hanley Falls is a city in Yellow Medicine County, Minnesota with the Yellow Medicine River flowing through it. Despite having a populace of only a few hundred residents, individuals who live with alcohol addiction in Hanley falls can find peer support at local Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) meetings. AA meetings in Hanley Falls are intended to enhance your social support network in a unique way as everyone at these meetings shares your goal of no longer using alcohol and of healing from the emotional, mental, social, and physical effects of alcohol addiction. AA emphasizes the need for social support during alcohol addiction recovery and provides additional options for improving the quality of support you receive from loved ones, as well as supplementing support you already receive. For example, your loved ones can attend open AA meetings with you or attend Alcoholics Anonymous Family Groups (Al-Anon) to receive their own peer support and a better understanding of addiction. Additionally, if you choose to participate in the 12 Step program, you may have the opportunity to work with a peer mentor referred to as a sponsor who can help you navigate the program, learn new coping skills, find sober alternatives to previous behaviors, and so on. Find AA Minnesota meetings near Hanley Falls in the directory.