Find AA meetings in International Falls, Minnesota to help you on your road to recovery. Our comprehensive directory of AA meetings in Minnesota includes open, closed, speaker, and other specialized meetings, all of which are designed to help you get sober and remain sober.
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International Falls, Minnesota AA Meetings
Nicknamed “the Icebox of the Nation,” International Falls is located in and is the county seat of Koochiching County, Minnesota. An increase in the number of locals suffering from alcohol use disorder (AUD) and other alcohol misuse has led to the regional Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) organization—AA Minnesota—establishing AA meetings all over the state, including locally in International Falls included. AA meetings are built on a foundation of mutual respect and support. In these meetings, participants can network with members at different recovery stages, receiving support and guidance as they navigate their way to recovery. The AA meetings in International Falls take various formats to ensure that individual needs can be met. Attending AA meetings offers social support and peer guidance that can facilitate long-term sobriety. These meetings may be open or closed, men’s or women’s, and may study from specific texts. Find a meeting near you in the online directory today. AA meetings may be attended independently of other treatment programs or to supplement the benefits of rehab or therapy. Different methods employed in treating alcohol addiction include detoxification, behavioral therapy, and counseling. You can begin your recovery process today by calling a treatment specialist, who is readily available to direct you to a treatment facility near you.