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Find AA Meetings in Kimball, Minnesota

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Find AA meetings in Kimball, Minnesota to help you on your road to recovery. Our comprehensive directory of AA meetings in Minnesota includes open, closed, speaker, and other specialized meetings, all of which are designed to help you get sober and remain sober.

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Kimball, Minnesota AA Meetings

Kimball is in Stearns County, Minnesota. Home to several individuals struggling with alcohol use disorder, AA Minnesota has set up AA meetings in different locations in Kimball to ensure diagnosed locals have access to peer support and guidance. Alcohol use disorder, a condition characterized by excessive and compulsive alcohol intake, can have numerous adverse effects on their quality of life. The good news is the 12-steps program employed in AA meetings Kimball has planted several locals on the path of long-term recovery. AA meetings in Kimball offer a community of individuals familiar with the condition and the hurdles individuals must overcome to attain long-term sobriety. In this community, built on a foundation of mutual support, members are encouraged to voice their challenges even as they help and support each other through the recovery process. These meetings may be combined with conventional methods of AUD treatment -e.g., Therapy – or attended independently. AA Minnesota sometimes organizes beginner meetings for new members to enlighten them on the traditions of the AA community and the recovery tools available to them. Start your recovery journey today by walking into any of the AA meetings listed in the directory or by calling our specialists for help locating a treatment center.

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