Find AA meetings in Marshall, Minnesota to help you on your road to recovery. Our comprehensive directory of AA meetings in Minnesota includes open, closed, speaker, and other specialized meetings, all of which are designed to help you get sober and remain sober.
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Time | Name | Location / Group | Address / Platform | Region | |
12:30 PM | A.A. Group | Wednesday Noon A.A. Group #671328 | 145 8th Ave | Granite Falls | English |
7:00 PM | Dawson A.A. Group | Dawson A.A. Group #107699 | 676 Pine St | Dawson | English |
8:00 PM | Ivanhoe AA -Hybrid | Ivanhoe Alcoholics Anon Group #630831 | 401 N Harold St | Ivanhoe | English Open Meeting |
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Marshall, Minnesota AA Meetings
Marshall is a regional center in Southwest Minnesota and is the county seat city of Lyon County. From new struggles to recurring effects, alcohol addiction affects many residents in this city: old and young, men and women alike. Fortunately, and thanks to AA Minnesota, these affected persons can now work towards long-term sobriety while managing their alcohol use disorders. AA meetings in Marshall focus on providing adequate care for individuals, and recovery programs are tailored to address their needs and relieve them of their many addiction-induced stress. Anyone can join meeting sessions during open meetings, and participants usually invite friends and family for extra support. These open meetings help reduce discrimination and stigmatization of persons with alcohol addiction. Closed meetings, on the other hand, are for only participants and members. Alcohol addiction is treatable, and professional treatment programs and support programs are very effective in curbing alcohol use disorders. Some AA members combine both, and this also works well and facilitates long-lasting recovery. You can reach out to our specialists on call for information on treatment programs and to recommend suitable alcohol detox facilities in Marshall city. Go to our directory page on this site and find the nearest AA meeting venue around your neighborhood, and get started today.