Find AA meetings in Sauk Centre, Minnesota to help you on your road to recovery. Our comprehensive directory of AA meetings in Minnesota includes open, closed, speaker, and other specialized meetings, all of which are designed to help you get sober and remain sober.
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Time | Name | Location / Group | Address / Platform | Region | |
7:30 PM | Sauk Centre Group | Sauk Centre Group #107951 | 620 5th St S | Sauk Centre | Closed Meeting English |
6:30 PM | Womens 12 X 12 Group | Womens 12 X 12 Group #663819 | 1604 Jefferson St | Alexandria | Closed Meeting English |
7:00 PM | Long Prairie Tuesday Night Gp | Long Prairie Alano | 21 2nd St N | Long Prairie | English Open Meeting |
7:00 PM | Tuesday Night Group | Tuesday Night Group #107752 | 206 Minnesota Ave E | Glenwood | Big Book English Open Meeting |
7:00 PM | The Garden Group | Bavarian Gardens | 420 Main St | New Munich | Big Book English Open Meeting + Wheelchair Access Women's Meeting |
7:30 PM | Avon Group | Avon Group #118632 | 140 Stratford St E | Avon | Big Book English Open Meeting |
7:30 PM | Rice A.A. Group | Rice A.A. Group #642461 | 30 E Main St | Rice | English Open Meeting |
7:30 PM | Cold Spring Tuesday Nite Gp | Cold Spring Tuesday Nite Gp #107581 | 23805 Co Rd 2 | Cold Spring | Closed Meeting English |
8:00 PM | Tuesday Night 8:00 Lamplight | Alano Club | 1604 Jefferson St | Alexandria | Closed Meeting English |
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- Please note that AA meeting locations and times tend to change often and quickly, so always check before assuming these times are accurate.
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Sauk Centre, Minnesota AA Meetings
Sauk Centre, in Stearns County, Minnesota, is considered part of the St. Cloud metro area. For those who live or work in the local area, who are coping with substance use disorders, our AA Minnesota online meeting directory may help. You can find a wide range of AA meetings in Sauk Centre, including open and closed meetings, speaker meetings, gender-specific meetings, and more. Closed AA discussion meetings are those that are limited to people who have a desire to quit using alcohol. They are usually less formal than other AA meetings. Although you are never required to talk in any AA group, participation in closed meetings is encouraged. Some closed AA meetings focus on how each member is working the 12-Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous. Open AA discussion meetings are facilitated by an AA member acting as the group leader. The leader oversees the meeting, ensuring introductions. Topics discussed during open meetings usually involve educational information about the AA program and the 12-Steps. This includes how AA works, what the program can do for a person with an addiction, as well as what AA cannot do (such as ensure that a person gets sober). If you need information about various types of addiction treatment available, contact one of our trained treatment specialists today.