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Find AA Meetings in Meridian, Mississippi

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Find AA meetings in Meridian, Mississippi to help you on your road to recovery. Our comprehensive directory of AA meetings in Mississippi includes open, closed, speaker, and other specialized meetings, all of which are designed to help you get sober and remain sober.

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Time Name Location / Group Address / Platform Region
6:30 AM Early Bird Group Meridian Firehouse Lunch Bunch Group #638929 3753 19th Street Meridian Discussion   Open Meeting
12:15 PM Lunch Bunch Group Meridian Firehouse Lunch Bunch Group #638929 3753 19th Street Meridian Closed Meeting   Discussion
5:30 PM Happy Hour Group Meridian Happy Hour Group #130109 3753 19th Street Meridian Discussion   Open Meeting
7:00 PM Big Book Group Meridian Big Book Group 3753 19th St Meridian English   Open Meeting
7:00 PM Philadelphia Union Group Philadelphia Union Group 502 Church Ave Philadelphia Discussion   English   Open Meeting

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Meridian, Mississippi AA Meetings

Meridian is one of the largest cities in all of Mississippi, with tens of thousands of residents. To support its large community, there are several AA meetings in Meridian. Those with alcohol use disorder can have access and fellowship with others who have gone or are going through similar experiences. These meetings, along with other AA meetings in Mississippi are free to attend as AA does not charge dues or fees, but rather takes donations from members. If you have never attended an AA meeting, be sure to show up early to get settled in and take advantage of the coffee and snacks available. You will be very welcomed by the more experienced members of the group, but do not worry. Nobody is going to be invading your comfort zone, and you will not be forced to do anything you are uncomfortable doing. The members at the meetings are well aware that you might just be there for an initial observation of the meeting before deciding on officially joining the group. AA meetings in Meridian can be very helpful for anybody in the area with alcohol use disorder, but they are not replacements for formal rehab treatments. Contact our specialists if you are looking for options outside of AA meetings in Mississippi.

AA Meetings in Nearby Cities

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