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Find AA Meetings in Fort Drum, New York

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Find AA meetings in Fort Drum, New York to help you on your road to recovery. Our comprehensive directory of AA meetings in New York includes open, closed, speaker, and other specialized meetings, all of which are designed to help you get sober and remain sober.

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Time Name Location / Group Address / Platform Region
12:00 PM Lowville Group Presbyterian Andover Parish House 7707 N State St Lowville Discussion   English   Open Meeting

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Fort Drum, New York AA Meetings

Situated in Jefferson County, Fort Drum, is home to a few people who battle with alcohol addiction each day, and would love to get some help. We work to improve effective recovery from alcohol addiction and one of our ways of doing this is organizing NY AA meetings into an AA directory. With that, it becomes easy for people to locate the closest AA meetings in Fort Drum to them. We keep our list up to date to ensure that you don’t miss anything. We have sorted all local AA meetings by city and our site is user-friendly. Alcoholics Anonymous is a community that welcomes anyone who desires alcohol addiction recovery. AA meetings offer an environment where there is guidance and support, and everyone is respected. At AA meetings, everyone is encouraged but not forced to discuss their addiction. People who are recovering and staying sober are also encouraged to share their success stories. A 12-step approach is what is common in most AA meetings but other approaches could be used. NY AA meetings are offered in different types depending on the preference of the member. The meeting could be open, where friends and family may join to show support; closed, where only people who are seeking recovery are allowed; or other types. AA meetings are free, and you could call our specialists to help you find one near you today.

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